Clark County Humane Society
Walk Your Dog to help CCHS!
WOOFTRAX is a great new opportunity to help the animals at CCHS, and we're very excited to tell you about it! You can support CCHS simply by taking a walk with your dog (although you don't have to have a dog to help!). You can easily install the iPhone or Android app to your phone. Then every time you go for a walk, Wooftrax will donate to CCHS for each mile you walk. The more people we have walking for CCHS, the more they'll be able to donate! It's a great way to help just by taking a walk!
Simply download and install the free app to your smartphone. Just click on the logo to the left and you will be taken to the Wooftrax website. It will go through a couple of set-up steps. The most important step is to specify that you are walking for CCHS. Go into setup and press the "Change" button to change who you are walking for. Select Wisconsin and then the first Clark County Humane Society listing you see, and save your changes. The app will automatically default to your location, so it's very, very important to change it to CCHS. Otherwise we won't get credit! The app will validate your account through your email. Clink on the link they send you and you're all set! You can even upload a picture of your dog that you'll be walking with. Then when you start walking just press the "Start Walking for..." button and the app will keep track of your walk. When you stop walking it will be credited to our account. The more people that walk for CCHS, the higher donation we'll receive! It's such an easy way to help the animals.
We all know that walking is good for your health, as well as that of your dog if you have one. As long as you're walking, you might as well help CCHS! So don't just take your dog for a walk, take your Walk For a Dog!