Clark County Humane Society
Adoption Statistics
CCHS is proud to be a true No-Kill facility!
Back in December, 1996, the decision was made for the Clark County Humane Society to become a No-Kill Humane Society, the first in Wisconsin. Being No-Kill means that no animal will ever be euthanized for space or for any medical or behavioral issue that can be remedied. Since January, 1997, that is exactly the guideline that CCHS has followed. In addition, dogs and cats at our Shelter are given every opportunity possible to find a new home. This means that we will do everything we can to help injured or sick animals. We will work with animals with behavior issues and give them the time it takes to be ready for a new family. We support and practice TNVR for feral cats. The only animals euthanized are those with untreatable injuries or illness causing extreme suffering that cannot be alleviated, or behavior issues that can not be modified and are a threat to our volunteers and the public. Every other animal will stay with us as long as it takes to find the best new home possible. This is what it means to be a True No-Kill Humane Society!
We are very proud of the work we have done and the lives we have saved. We are pleased to share our adoption statistics. Our most recent stats are shown below, followed by the yearly graphs showing the outcomes for the animals in our care. Of special note is the 'Live Release Rate' for both dogs and cats. These numbers are a true indication of the lives being saved at CCHS!