Clark County Humane Society
"We Care!"
Welcome to the Clark County Humane Society!
Located in Neillsville, Wisconsin, we are
proud to be the Premier No-Kill Shelter
in Central Wisconsin!
CCHS is a private non-profit organization dedicated to the care and adoption of cats and dogs. Our goal is to assist the lost,
surrendered, unwanted, and unloved cats and dogs in need of our help.
CCHS has been inspected and licensed by the
Department of Animal Health - DATCP.
License #268235-DS.
Be a part of all the
great things
happening at CCHS!

Microchipping is available at CCHS! For just $15.00 your pet can receive a microchip, tag, and lifetime registration! Please email us for an appointment at cchs.fixapet@gmail.com or petshelter@email.com.
Photo Contest Results!!
Featured Dog
Featured Cat
PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS!! We are pleased to announce the following winners in our Photo Contest! Each first place will receive a $50 prize. Thank you to all you entered and submitted such wonderful photos. It was the best photo contest we've had!!

BEST CAT: Juno by Krystal Salzmann (tie!)
BEST CAT: Roxie by Jennifer Frey (tie!)
Linda & Scott Thomas

BEST DOG: Mercy by Mark Zager
BEST PET with FRIENDS: Lacy, Missy & Sport
by Sherri Conrad

FixaPet is Flourishing!
Our FixaPet Program is doing better than ever! With over 32,400 surgeries done, we are so happy to be helping so many animals and their families. Spay/neuter surgeries are available for cats, dogs and rabbits. We also offer wellness appointments on Mondays and Fridays. Vaccinations, microchipping, bloodtesting, deworming, flea & tick preventatives, urinalysis and fecal testing, dew claw removal and many other services are available. Details can be found right here on our website! Schedule an appointment for your pet today!

Volunteers needed!
We are looking for more volunteers to help out with the cats and dogs at CCHS! It's the time of year when spring sports and school activities are kicking in, and things get pretty busy. But if you've been thinking about helping out at the Shelter, now is the perfect time! If you'd like to help out a few hours a week, one day a month, or something in-between, we'd love for you to volunteer! You can fill out the volunteer form right here on our website. You can also email April at cchsoutreach1@gmail.com. We'd be delighted to have you join the team at CCHS where you can truly make a difference for cats and dogs in need!

We are proud to work with these corporate partners and appreciate their support!

CCHS is located 7.5 miles southeast of Neillsville, WI, on Highway 73
Address: W3926 State Hwy 73, Neillsville, WI 54456
Mailing address: PO Box 127, Neillsville, WI 54456
Shelter Phone: 715-743-4550
Shelter Email: petshelter@email.com
FixaPet Phone: 715-937-7770
FixaPet Email: cchs.fixapet@gmail.com